The Institute for Diaconate Renewal is about intimacy with the Servant Heart of Christ! This video captures our vision for all deacons—nurturing the primacy of the interior life as a means of integrating human and spiritual growth, identity, and mission.

dcn-stephen miletic

The Institute for Diaconate Renewal offers opportunities for the renewal and deepening the spiritual life of the deacon. This renewal occurs in the revitalization of the deacon’s filial relationship with the Father; the strengthening of his sacramental identity as Icon of Christ the Servant; and the deepening of his mission as one empowered by the Holy Spirit sent in mission by the Bishop. This renewal fosters integral human development and maturation as it addresses the universal hunger for loving intimacy with the Triune God through ongoing conversion to Christ, who came to serve and not be served (Mk. 10:45).

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